Send or receive money anywhere worldwide. Just download the MRC Glboal Pay App.
Cadastro simples, e comece a receber diretamente na sua conta no banco de sua preferência.
28 anos de experiência e a credibilidade de um dos grupos mais diversificados no mercado brasileiro.
Depósito na conta em até 24 horas.
Tecnologia de ponta e uma equipe especializada para lhe atender.
Send the payment link to your client anywhere in the world.
Your client will pay in their local currency, and you get paid in any currency you want.
No Wires, No FX, Local payment collection Globally
No extra or hidden fees.
Manage your clients from our platform or connect to your own.
Your Clients will pay in local currency using their own bank accounts or other methods
Our API is simple and easy to integrate.
You can be running in a matter of hours.
Stop paying high FX and wire fees.
Get approved in as little as 24 hours with no payment risk free.
Contact us and let us take care of your payments abroad.
Keep updated with all news regarding MRC Global Pay and the latest in international money remittance.